
NS ISO deals with child support or spousal support issues under provincial law when the parties live in different reciprocating jurisdictions. There are exceptions. See a lawyer for help.

In the NS ISO process, the applicant usually does not go to court – all of their evidence is presented in writing in the ISO forms. However, some jurisdictions - like Quebec and the United Kingdom - require a provisional process. In the provisional process, both parties go to court for a hearing in their respective jurisdictions

In some cases, ISO files may go through the ADR process.

Because the ISO process can be a long, it is important to do a good job filling out your forms.

Speak to a lawyer whenever possible, before filing or responding to an ISO application. Click here for information about legal support and advice options in Nova Scotia, including no and low-cost services.

For child support information, click here.

For spousal support information, click here.

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