Community Agencies & Family Justice Services

For additional help finding the services you need: Nova Scotia 211.


Resource Guide for Nova Scotia

Resources for African Nova Scotians

Child Protection & Children's Aid


Department of Opportunities and Social Development (Employment Support and Income Assistance)

Family Courts

Family Dispute Resolution

Family/Domestic Violence Services and Resources

Includes listing of transition houses for women and shelters for men and women

Food Banks

Government Services and Resources

Help Lines

Legal Information and Legal Support

Lesbian, Gay,  Bisexual, Transgender, Intersex, Queer (LGBTIQ+) Resources

Mental Health and Addictions Supports and Services

Nova Scotia Legal Aid

Police and RCMP

Resources for Immigrants and Newcomers

Resources for Indigenous Families and Children

Resources for Parents and Children

Resources for Persons with Disabilities

Resources for those experiencing poverty or homelessness

Resources for Seniors

Senior Abuse

Sexual Assault Centres

Sexual Health Services

Shelter Movers

Victim Services

Women's Centres/Services


Resources for African Nova Scotians

African Canadian Services Division - Department of Education Nova Scotia

African Diaspora Association of the Maritimes

Akoma Family Center - a youth facility that specializes in working with African Nova Scotian youth

Association of Black Social Workers
(902) 429-7799

Black Cultural Centre for Nova Scotia

Black Educators Association
(902) 424-7036 
or toll-free at 1-800-565-3398

Nova Scotia Sisterhood

Boys and Girls Club of Preston

National Congress of Black Women Foundation

Council on African Canadian Education (CACE)

East Preston Recreation Centre - provides recreational programs to youth within the community

Health Association of African Canadians

Office of African Nova Scotian Affairs
Toll-free 1-866-580-ANSA (2672)

Valley African Nova Scotian Development Association (VANSDA)


Child Protection & Children’s Aid

Nova Scotia Department of Opportunities and Social Development 

Annapolis County

(902) 532-2337


(902) 863-3213

Colchester County

(902) 893-5950

Cole Harbour

(902) 435-7472

Cumberland County

(902) 667-3336


(902) 424-3298


(902) 245-5811


(902) 533-4007


(902) 425-5420

Hants County

(902) 798-2289


(902) 625-0660

Kings County

(902) 678-6176

Lunenburg County

(902) 543-4554

North Sydney

(902) 794-5110

Pictou County

(902) 755-5950

Queens County

(902) 354-3525


(902) 869-3600

Shelburne County

(902) 637-2337


(902) 758-3553 or 


Victoria County

(902) 563-3400

Yarmouth County

(902) 742-0700

Mi'kmaw Family & Children's Services

Eskasoni (902) 379-2433
Bear River (902) 467-3970

Box 179, Shubenacadie
Hants County, NS, B0N 2H0
Phone (902) 758-3553 or 1-800-263-8686
Fax: (902) 758-2390



For children:

IWK Community Mental Health
(902) 464-4110

For children and adults:

Family Service Association
Halifax and Lower Sackville (902) 420-1980 or toll-free at 1-888-886-5552

Family Services of Eastern Nova Scotia
Sydney (902) 539-6868 or toll-free at 1-866-330-5952

Criminal Injuries Counselling Program
Phone 424-4651, or toll-free at 1-888-470-0773

Centre for Health and Wellbeing

(Counselling) (Gateways)   Truro – (902) 896-6264


Department of Opportunities and Social Development (Employment Support and Income Assistance)

Central Region District Offices:


Central Regional Office (Halifax)

(902) 424-5074

Central Region District Office (Halifax)

(902) 424-4150

Cole Harbour

(902) 435-7472


(902) 424-3298


(902) 876-0580

Portland Street, Dartmouth

(902) 424-1600


(902) 869-3600

Sheet Harbour

(902) 885-2974

Eastern Region District Offices:


Eastern Regional Office (Sydney)   

(902) 563-3302

Glace Bay

(902) 842-4000

North Sydney

(902) 794-5110

Port Hawkesbury

(902) 625-0660


(902) 563-3300


Northern Regional Offices:


New Glasgow

(902) 755-7023

Northern Region District Offices

(902) 863-3213


(902) 893-5950

Cumberland – Amherst

(902) 667-3336


(902) 533-4007

New Glasgow

(902) 755-7363

Western Regional Office (Kentville)

(902) 679-6715


Western Region District Offices:



(902) 532-2337

East Hants: Elmsdale

1-866-798-8319 (toll-free)

Hants: Windsor

(902) 798-8319

Kings: Kentville

(902) 678-6176

Lunenburg: Bridgewater

(902) 543-5527

Queens: Liverpool

(902) 354-2771

Shelburne: Barrington

(902) 637-2335


(902) 742-0741


Family Courts


(902) 667-2256


(902) 863-7312


(902) 543-4679


(902) 425-4567


(902) 424-3990


(902) 679-6075


(902) 485-7025

Port Hawkesbury

(902) 625-4012 or 4013


(902) 563-2200


(902) 893-4272


(902) 742-0550



Family/Domestic Violence Services and Resources

Canada's Strategy to Prevent and Address Gender-Based Violence

Family Violence Prevention Program (Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada)

Justice Canada’s Family Violence Initiative

Legal Information Society of NS - family law information in multiple languages, including a brochure about domestic violence for newcomers

Nova Scotia’s Domestic Violence Action Plan

Nova Scotia Domestic Violence Resource Centre

Native Women's Association of Canada - violence prevention

Stop Family Violence - Public Health Agency of Canada

Canadian Women's Health Network - Domestic Violence in Canada

Directory of Services and Programs for Abused Men in Canada

Canada’s Treatment Programs for Men who Abuse their Partners

Transition Houses and Shelters for Abused Women in Canada

Directory of Services for Adult Survivors of Child Sexual Abuse


Transition Houses for Women

Transition House Association of Nova Scotia 
(902) 429-7287


Autumn House (Wheelchair accessible)
(902) 667-1344 or (902) 667-1200 (Crisis line)


Harbour House (Wheelchair accessible)
(902) 543-3665(902) 543-3999 (Crisis line),
Outreach 543-9970, toll-free 1-800-543-3999


Juniper Outreach
(902) 245-4789 or toll-free at 1-800-266-4087


Bryony House (Wheelchair accessible,
bilingual staff as required)
(902) 429-9002(902) 422-7650 (Crisis line)
Outreach (902) 429-9001


Chrysalis House
(902) 679-6544(902) 679-1922 (Crisis line),
Outreach 679-1155, Toll-free 1-800-264-8682

New Glasgow:

Tearmann Society (Wheelchair accessible)
Crisis line (902) 752-0132
Office (902) 752-1633
Outreach (902) 752-2591, Toll-free 1- 888-831-0330

Port Hawkesbury: 

Leeside Transition House (Wheelchair accessible)
Crisis line (902) 625-2444 (902) 625-1990,
Outreach (902) 625-1106, Toll-free 1-800-565-3390


Cape Breton Transition House
Outreach Program 562-3045, Toll-free 1-800-563-2945


Third Place (Wheelchair accessible)
Crisis line (902) 893-3232, Office (902) 893-4844
Outreach (902) 895-9740, Toll-free 1-800-565-4878


Juniper House
Crisis line 742-8689, Office 742-4473
Outreach 742-0231, Toll-free 1-800-266-4087

Second stage housing offers safe and affordable housing for abused women and their children. You can also contact through your local transition house.

Second Stage Housing:



Naomi Society
(902) 863-3807


Alice Housing
(902) 466-8459

New Glasgow:

Pictou County Second Stage Housing
(902) 928-0970


Cape Breton Transition House
(902) 562-4190


Welkaqanik Next Step Shelter

(Priority to Aboriginal women)
(902) 895-1738



Shelters for Men and Women

Shelter Nova Scotia
(902) 406-3631



Adsum House
(For homeless women and children)
(902) 429-4443 or (902) 423-4443

Barry House (Emergency shelter for homeless women and children at risk)
(902) 422-8324
Metro Turning Point (for men)
(902) 420-3282
Out of the Cold (emergency winter shelter for men and women)
(end of November – May 1st)
(902) 225-0770
Phoenix Youth Services (ages 16 – 24)
(902) 446-4663 or toll-free 1 888 878-5088
Salvation Army Centre of Hope (for men)
(902) 422-2363  


Domestic Abuse Intervention Programs

Amherst/Cumberland County:
New Directions
(902) 667-1344
Bridgewater/Lunenburg and Queens Counties (Western Nova Scotia): 
Family Service Western Nova Scotia
(902) 543-7444
New Start Counselling
(902) 423-4675

Sydney/Cape Breton Island:
Second Chance
(902) 567-0979 or toll-free 1-855-567-0979 (Sydney) (Port Hawkesbury)

Truro/Colchester and East Hants counties:
(902) 897-6665
Westville/New Glasgow, Pictou, Antigonish, Guysborough Counties:
New Leaf
(902) 396-2440


Food Banks

Find Food - Feed Nova Scotia 

Feed Nova Scotia


Government Services and Resources

Department of Justice Canada – Family Law

Federal Child Support Guidelines
1-888-373-2222 (toll-free)

General health services – Health Link
811 (or 711 for the Hearing Impaired)

CyberScan - The Government of Nova Scotia’s Cyberbullying protection

Maintenance Enforcement Program
(902) 424-0050 or toll free at 1-800-357-9248 

Nova Scotia 211 - community and social services listings
TTY Available: 1-888-692-1382

Nova Scotia Human Rights Commission
(902) 424-4111 or toll-free at 1-877-269-7699

Nova Scotia Ombudsman’s Office
(902) 424-6780 or toll-free at 1-800-670-1111

Service Canada
(Federal government programs and services)
1-800-622-6232, or TTY 1-800-926-9105

Service Nova Scotia and Municipal Relations
(Government programs and services)


Help Lines

Help Line

(24 hours)  
(902) 421-1188 or toll-free in NS 1-877-521-1188

Kids Help Phone

(24 hours, bilingual)

Crime Stoppers  


Help Line (Cape Breton/Sydney)

(6 pm – midnight)  
(902) 562-4357 or toll-free at 1-800-957-9995

Help Line (Pictou County)

(noon – midnight / 7 days a week)
(902) 752-5952

Help Line (Strait/Richmond/Inverness area)

(6 pm – midnight)
(902) 625-5117


Resources for Immigrants and Newcomers

African Diaspora Association of the Maritimes

Citizenship and Immigration Canada
1-888-242-2100, TTY 1-888-576-8502

Cultural Health Information and Interpreting Services
(902) 425-5532

Halifax Refugee Clinic
(902) 422-6736

Immigrant Services Association of Nova Scotia (ISANS)
(902) 423-3607

Immigration Francophone Nouvelle-Ecosse

Legal Information Society of NS:

Nova Scotia Interpreting Services

Nova Scotia Office of Immigration
(902) 424-5230 or toll free 1-877-292-9597

The Salvation Army - Atlantic Refugee & Immigrant Service    
(902) 477-5393

YMCA Newcomers Centre
(902) 457-9622


Resources for Indigenous Families and Children

Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada

Family Violence Prevention Program (Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada)

Native Council of Nova Scotia

Native Women’s Association of Canada

The Confederacy of Mainland Mi'kmaq

Truro - (902) 895-6385 or toll-free at 1-877-892-2424

Connections Career Centre

(902) 406-4392

Eskasoni Crisis & Referral Centre

(902) 379-2099

Eskasoni Health Centre

(902) 379-3200

Micmac Native Friendship Centre

Halifax - (902) 420-1576

Mi’kmaq Child Development Centre

Halifax - (902) 422-7850

Mi'kmaq Legal Support Network

(902) 379-2042

Mi'kmaq Young Offender Project

(902) 379-2042

Native Alcohol and Drug Abuse Counselling Association of Nova Scotia

(902) 379-2262

Native Council of Nova Scotia

Truro - (902) 895-1523

Welkaqanik Next Step Shelter

Truro - (902) 895-1738

Native Social Counselling Agency (Provincial)

(902) 895-1738

Nova Scotia Native Women’s Association

(902) 893-7402

Mi’kmaq Family and Children’s Services:


  • Eskasoni

(902) 379-2433 or toll-free at 1-800-263-8300

  • Indianbrook

(902) 758-3553 or toll-free at 1-800-263-8686

  • Shubenacadie

(902) 758-3553

Child Help Initiative Program - Native Council of NS:

(902) 895-1738

  • Liverpool

(902) 354-2751

  • Sydney

(902) 567-1240

  • Truro

(902) 843-3551

Millbrook Family Healing Centre Services (Mainland Nova Scotia)

(902) 893-8483 or toll-free at 1-800-565-4741

Waycobah Family Healing Centre Services (Cape Breton Island)

(902) 756-3440 or toll-free at 1-800-565-3440

Other general links



Legal Information and Legal Support

Coverdale Courtwork Society (support for women involved in the justice system)
Halifax - (902) 422-6417

Dalhousie Legal Aid Service
Halifax - (902) 423-8105

Elizabeth Fry Society (for women in conflict with the law):
Halifax (902) 454-5041
Sydney (902) 539-6165 or toll-free at 1-877-619-1354

Family Law Information Program Centres:

L’Association des juristes d'expression française de la Nouvelle-Écosse (AJEFNE): (902) 433-2085

Accès Justice Access Centre (1741 Brunswick St., Suite B120)

Our Centre can help you understand your legal situation. We will give you general legal information to help you understand your legal situation and learn more about your options. Free service in French and in English.

Legal Information Society of Nova Scotia(902) 454-2198

Dial-A-Law (recorded services 24 hrs/day): (902) 420-1888

Infoline & Lawyer Referral Service: (902) 455-3135 or toll-free 1-800-665-9779

Mi'kmaq Legal Support Network1-877-379-2042

Nova Scotia Barrister’s Society(902) 422-1491


Lesbian, Gay,  Bisexual, Transgender, Intersex, Queer (LGBTIQ+) Resources

Ally Centre of Cape Breton

Alter Heroes
(514) 360-1320 (Administration only)

Big Brothers Big Sisters of Halifax 
(902) 466-5347 

Egale Canada

IWK Transgender Health Team (accessed via Central Referral)
(902) 424-4110 or toll-free 1 888-470-5888

Nova Scotia Rainbow Action Project
(902) 444-2306

PFLAG Canada

Pride Cape Breton
(902) 539-4627

(902) 473-1433 or on Facebook

prideHealth Directory of Health and Wellness Providers

Youth Project
(902) 429-5429 or on Facebook or Twitter @YouthProject_NS

You may also be able to access help and resources through:

  • your local SchoolsPlus program, where available

  • your school's, or a neighbouring school's, Gay-Straight Alliance (GSA)

  • public mental health services

  • your parents'/guardians' Employee and Family Assistance Plan (EAP/EFAP)


Mental Health and Addictions Supports and Services

Canadian Mental Health (CMHA), NS Division
(902) 466-6600 or toll free 1-877-466-6606

General health services
Health Link 811 (or 711 for the Hearing Impaired)

Healthy Minds Cooperative
(902) 404-3504

MHMCT – Mental Health Mobile Crisis Team (offers telephone support province-wide)
(902) 429-8167, toll-free 1-888-429-8167

Mood Disorders Society of Canada

NS Mental Health and Addictions

Our Healthy Minds

Schizophrenia Society of Nova Scotia (SSNS)
(902) 465-2601 or toll free 1-800-465-2601

Self Help Connection
(902) 466-2601


Addictions and Drug Dependency Services

NS Mental Health and Addictions

Addiction Services Digby

(902) 245-5888

CMHA Yarmouth, Digby, Shelburne Branch:


  • Yarmouth

(902) 742-0222

  • Digby

(902) 245-5477

  • Sheburne

(902) 875-1083

Shelburne Mental Health Clinic

(902) 875-4200

Yarmouth, Digby and Shelburne Counties

(902) 742-0222

Choices Adolescent Program (Halifax)

(902) 491-2401

Marguerite Centre (for women)

(902) 876-0006

Matrix Women’s Services:


  • (Halifax intake)

(902) 424-5920

  • (Dartmouth/Halifax)

(902) 424-5623

  • (Pictou)

(902) 485-4335

  • (Sydney)

(902) 563-2050

  • (Yarmouth)

(902) 742-2406

  • (Truro)

(902) 893-5900

Mainland North Committee on Addictions Awareness

(902) 424-4976

Al-Anon and Alateen (for friends and family of problem drinkers)

Alcoholics Anonymous

Canadian Centre for Substance Abuse

Centre for Addiction and Mental Health

Narcotics Anonymous


Mental Health Services by Region



Annapolis Community Health Centre

(902) 532-2381 (ext. 143)

Annapolis County: Bridgetown

(902) 665-4801

Annapolis County Mental Health Clinic

(902) 825-4825

Annapolis Royal: Clare Mental Health Clinic

(902) 645-3470

Addiction Services Kentville

(902) 679-2392

Addiction Services Middleton

(902) 825-6828

CMHA Annapolis County Branch

(902) 665-4801


King's County:


CMHA Kings County Branch

(902) 679-7464

Mental Health Services, Kings County: Kentville

(902) 679-7464

Mental Health Services Berwick

(902) 538-3111 (ext. 143)


(902) 679-2657 (ext. 2870)

Children & Youth

(902) 679-2867 (ext. 2873)

Mental Health Services Middleton

(902) 825-4825

Middleton: Windsor Mental Health Clinic

(902) 792-2042

SSNS Kings County Chapter


SSNS Support Group Middleton





Cape Breton



(902) 563-2050

Adult Outpatient Services

(902) 567-7731

Child/Adolescent Services 

(902) 567-7731

Emergency Crisis Services

(902) 567-7767

CMHA Cape Breton Branch

(902) 567-7905

Glace Bay Mental Health Clinic

(902) 849-4413

Mental Health Services, Sydney

(902) 567-7735

New Waterford Mental Health Clinic

(902) 862-7195

North Sydney Mental Health Clinic

(902) 794-8551

SSNS Support Group


Sydney Adult Outpatient Clinic

(902) 567-7730


Halifax County:



(902) 424-8866 or toll-free 1-866-340-6700

Emergency Assessment, NS Hospital

(902) 464-3114

Emergency Assessment, QE11 

(902) 473-2043

Mobile Crisis Intervention Service

(902) 429-8167

MH Services Bedford –Sackville

(902) 865-3663

MH Services, Dartmouth

(902) 464-3116 or 463-2187

Abbie Lane Mental Health Outpatient, QEII

(902) 473-2531

IWK Health Centre

(902) 470-8888

Community Mental Health

(902) 422-1611

Child/Adolescent Mental Health Program  

(902) 464-4110

IWK Health Centre Community Mental Health 

(902) 422-1611

Community Mental Health, Halifax

(902) 454-1400 or 454-1440

Cole Harbour/Eastern HRM 

(902) 434-3263

CMHA- Halifax –Dartmouth Branch  

(902) 455-5445

SSNS HRM Chapter

(902) 462-5658

Healthy Minds Cooperative

(902) 404-3504

Self-Help Connection

(902) 466-2011

Empowerment Connection  

(902) 404-3445

Mental Health Services Bedford –Sackville  

(902) 865-3663

Mental Health Services, Dartmouth

(902) 464-3116

Community Mental Health Dartmouth

(902) 466-1830

Mental Health Services, Hants, Emergency

(902) 792-2042

Mobile Crisis Intervention Service

(902) 429-8167 (9am to 5am)

Patient & Family Advocate  

(902) 483-9591

Colchester East Hants:


Colchester Regional Hospital

(902) 893-4321

Mental Health Services

1-800-460-2110 (ext. 5526)

Addiction Services

(902) 893-5900

SSNS Support Group


CMHA Colchester/East Hants Branch

(902) 895-4211






Cumberland Mental Health Centre

(902) 667-3879

Mental Health Services

(902) 667-3879

Addiction Services (Springhill)

(902) 597-8647

Addiction Services (Amherst)

(902) 667-7094

SSNS Cumberland Chapter





Strait Region (Guysborough, Antigonish, Strait)


Mental Health Services

(902) 863-4511

Addictions Antigonish

(902) 863-5393

Antigonish: St. Martha’s Hospital Mental Health Clinic

(902) 863-4511

Addictions Port Hawkesbury

(902) 625-2363

SSNS Support Group





Pictou County


New Glasgow: Aberdeen Mental Health Services

(902) 755-1137

Addictions Services

(902) 755-7017

CMHA Pictou Branch

(902) 752-5578

Mental Health Services, Pictou County: New Glasgow

(902) 755-9441

Queens County - South Shore


Liverpool Mental Health Clinic

(902) 354-2721

Mental Health & Addictions

(902) 543-5400

Addiction Services Lunenburg

(902) 634-7325

CMHA Lunenburg County Branch

(902) 541-1153

SSNS Lunenburg County Chapter

(902) 541-1153

SSNS Lunenburg County Chapter

1-800-465-2601 (toll-free)

Bridgewater: South Shore Regional Hospital Mental Health Services

(902) 527-5228

Canadian Mental Health - Lunenburg/Queens Branch

(902) 543-7082 or (902) 521-2488

South West Region


Yarmouth Regional Hospital

(902) 742-3541

Addiction Services

(902) 742-2406

Mental Health Services

(902) 742-4222

Roseway Hospital

(902) 875 3011

Addiction Services

(902) 527-5228(902) 875-8645

Mental Health Services Shelburne

(902) 875-4200

Mental Health Services Digby

(902) 245-4709

Yarmouth Mental Health Clinic

(902) 742-4222


Other Mental Health Resources for Children and Youth

Because Life Goes On…Helping Children and Youth Live with Separation and Divorce

Helping children cope/responding to stress

Kids Health, with resources for parents, kids, and teens

Kids Help Phone, for kids and teens

Nova Scotia Mental Health Services for children and youth


Seniors Mental Health Program


(902) 464-6054


(902) 473-7799

Kings/Annapolis Counties

(902) 679-2870


(902) 825-4825

Cape Breton

(902) 561-1729

Alzheimer’s Society of Nova Scotia

Canadian Coalition for Seniors’ Mental Health (CCSMH)

Caregivers Nova Scotia

Department of Seniors

MSVU Centre for Aging


Nova Scotia Legal Aid

Amherst: Cumberland County

(902) 667-7544 or toll-free at 1-866-999-7544

Annapolis County/Digby

(902) 532-2311 or toll-free at 1-866-532-2311


(902) 863-3350, toll-free at 1-866-439-1544

Lunenburg County/South Shore

(902) 543-4658 or toll-free at 1-866-543-4658

Dartmouth (family law office)

(902) 420-7921 or toll-free at 1-855-420-7921

Dartmouth (adult criminal office)

(902) 420-8815 or toll-free at 1-877-420-8818

Halifax (family law office)

(902) 420-3450 or toll-free at 1-866-420-3450

Halifax (adult criminal office)

(902) 420-6583 or toll-free at 1-877-777-6583


(902) 679-6110 or toll-free at 1-866-679-6110

New Glasgow: Pictou County

(902) 755-7020 or toll-free at 1-877-755-7020

Port Hawkesbury

(902) 625-4047 or toll-free at 1-888-817-0116

Sydney: Cape Breton

(902) 563-2295 or toll-free at 1-877-563-2295

Truro: Colchester County

(902) 893-5920 or toll-free at 1-877-777-5920

Windsor: Hants County

(902) 798-8397 or toll-free at 1-866-798-8397

Yarmouth: South Shore

(902) 742-7827 or toll-free at 1-866-742-3300

Summary Advice Counsel Service



(902) 742-0500


(902) 667-2256


(902) 863-7312


(902) 543-4679


(902) 424-5616


(902) 679-6075


(902) 485-7350

Port Hawkesbury:

(902) 625-2665


(902) 563-2085


(902) 893-5840


(902) 679-6075


(902) 742-0500


Resources for Parents and Children

Association of Family and Conciliation Courts - Resources for Families

Because Life Goes On – Helping Children and Youth Live with Separation and Divorce (Public Health Agency of Canada)

Children with Special Needs – Progress Centre for Early Intervention (902) 423-2686

'How to Find Help' - Nova Scotia online resource page for youth

Loving Care - information for new parents 

‘What happens next? Information for kids about separation and divorce’ (Justice Canada)

Family/Parent Resource Centres and Support:

Amherst Maggie’s Place (902) 667-7250
Antigonish Kids First Family Resource Centre (902) 863-3848
Lawrencetown Family Matters – The Annapolis County  
Family Resource Centre   1-800-399-7119
Bridgewater Family Support Centre (902) 543-1301
Bridgewater Better Together Family Resource Centre (902) 543-3119
Canning Kids Action Program (902) 680-6172
Cape Breton Family Place Resource Centre (902) 562-5616
Chester Chester and Area Family Resource Centre (902) 275-4347
Digby Digby County Family Resource Centre (902) 245-6464
Greenwood Greenwood Military Family Resource Centre (902) 765-5611
Guysborough Kids First Family Resource Centre toll-free 1-888-533-3881
Pictou County Kids First (902) 755-5437
Truro Maggie’s Place (902) 895-0200
Inverness County  
Family Place Resource Centre Outreach Office (902) 258-3002
Kennetcook: Kids Action Program (902) 362-2808
Kings County Family Support Centre (902) 678-5760
Liverpool: Queens Family Resource Centre (902) 354-7176
Middle Musquodoboit:  
Musquodoboit Valley Family Resource Centre (902) 384-2794
Musquodoboit Harbour:  
Eastern Shore Family Resource Association (902) 827-1461
New Ross: Family Resource Centre (902) 689-2414
New Waterford: Family Resource Centre (902) 862-7140
Pictou County:  
Kids First Family Resource Centre (902) 755-5437
Le Centre provincial de ressources prescolaires (902) 769-5850
Shelburne: Kings Street Centre (902) 875-3256
Truro: Maggie’s Place (902) 895-0200
Windsor: Family Resource Centre of West Hants (902) 798-5961
Yarmouth: Parent’s Place (902) 749-1718
Halifax Regional Municipality  
Bayers/Westwood Family Support Resource Centre (902) 454-9444
Dartmouth Family Resource Centre (902) 464-8234
Eastern Shore Family Resource Centre (902) 827-1461
East Preston Family Resource Centre (902) 462-7266
Fairview Family Resource Centre (902) 443-9569
Family SOS (902) 455-5515
Memory Lane Family Place (902) 864-6363
Military Family Resource Centre, CFB Halifax (902) 427-7788
Military Family Resource Centre, CFB Shearwater (902) 720-1885
North End Parent Resource Centre (902) 492-0133
PACT: Parent and Child Together (902) 434-8952
Parent ‘n Tot Meeting Place (902) 443-9569
Parent Research Centre (902) 492-0133
Chebucto Family Centre (902) 479-3031
Veith House (902) 453-4320


Resources for Persons with Disabilities

Caregivers Nova Scotia
(902) 421-7390 or toll-free at 1-877-488-7390

Department of Community Services

Disabled Persons Commission: Halifax (provincial)
(902) 424-8280 or toll-free at 1-800-565-8280

DisAbled Women’s Network Canada
Toll-free at 1-866-396-0074

Easter Seals

Nova Scotia League for Equal Opportunities
(902) 455-6942 or toll-free at 1-866-696-7536

(902) 429-5878 or toll-free/TTY 1-866-429-5878

Service Canada

Society of Deaf and Hard of Hearing Nova Scotians 

Mainland Nova Scotia

toll-free 1-800-516-5551


voice/TTY (902) 422-7130


videophone (902) 422-7132

Cape Breton

toll-free 1-888-770-8555


voice (902) 564-0003


TTY (902) 564-0486


videophone (902) 564-0003


Resources for Children with Disabilities

Atlantic Provinces Special Education Authority

Cerebral Palsy Society of Canada

Department of Community Services

The Canadian Down Syndrome Society

Nova Scotia Down Syndrome Society

Early Intervention Association of Nova Scotia

Nova Scotia Hearing and Speech Centres

Society for the Treatment of Autism (Canada)


Police and RCMP

Please see the blue pages in your phone book for non-emergency police numbers, and the white pages for Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP)



(902) 426-7554

Crime Stoppers


Policing - Cape Breton First Nations Communities:
RCMP Operational Communications Centre (OCC)


Mainland First Nations Communities:
Acadia, Wildcat, and Bear River: RCMP OCC


Annapolis Valley, Horton, Gold River,
Cole Harbour, Sheet Harbour: RCMP OCC


Millbrook, Indianbrook, Pictou Landing,

(902) 893-1323 or toll free at 1-800-272-9670


Resources for those experiencing poverty or homelessness

Red Bear Healing Home - free voicemail for people experiencing poverty in NS
(902) 448-4744 or connect by calling 211 


Resources for Seniors

Nova Scotia Department of Seniors

Positive Aging 2019 Directory (Government of Canada)

Seniors Mental Health Program



(902) 464-6054


(902) 473-7799

Kings/Annapolis Counties

(902) 679-2870


(902) 825-4825

Cape Breton

(902) 561-1729



Senior Abuse

For information about provincial services for seniors: Nova Scotia 211

To report senior abuse (formerly the Senior Abuse Line): Nova Scotia 211

‘What to do if you are being abused’

Adult Protection: 1- 800- 225- 7225

If you know of a senior in need of protection, call Adult Protection Services at the Department of Health. Adult Protection workers can intervene and offer services to help those in need of protection.

Protection of Persons in Care: 1- 800- 225- 7225

Report known or suspected cases of abuse in a licensed health facility (such as a nursing home, residential care facility, or hospital) to the Protection of Persons in Care office at the Department of Health.


Sexual Assault Centres

Avalon Sexual Assault Centre
Halifax - (902) 422-4240, Crisis Line 425-0122

Colchester Sexual Assault Centre  
Truro - (902) 897-4366


Sexual Health Services Directory

Amherst Sexual Health Centre (902) 667-7500
Bridgewater Sexual Health Centre (902) 527-2868
Cape Breton Centre for Sexual Health (902) 539-5158
Halifax Sexual Health Centre (902) 455-9656
IWK Health Centre: Women’s Clinic (902) 470-8888
Pictou County Centre for Sexual Health (902) 695-3366
Sheet Harbour Sexual Health Centre (902) 885-2789
Yarmouth Centre for Sexual Health (902) 742-0085


Victim Services

Justice Canada Directory

Policy Centre for Victim Issues

Nova Scotia Victim Services (Department of Justice)

Head Office (Halifax) (902) 424-3309 or toll-free at 1-888-470-0773
Annapolis, Kings, Hants, Lunenburg, Queens, Shelburne and Yarmouth counties: Kentville (902) 679-6201 or toll-free 1-800-565-1805
Halifax Regional Municipality: Dartmouth (902) 424-3307
Pictou, Guysborough, Antigonish, Colchester and Cumberland counties: New Glasgow (902) 755-7110 or toll-free 1-800-565-7912
Police-Based Victim Service Halifax Regional Police Victim Services (902) 490-5300


Women’s Centres/Services

Status of Women Canada

Women’s Centres Connect:

Nova Scotia Association of Women’s Centres



Women’s Resource Centre

(902) 863-6221


The Women’s Place Resource Centre

(902) 638-8566


Dalhousie University Women’s Centre

(902) 494-2432


Saint Mary’s University Women’s Centre

(902) 496-8722


Second Story Women’s Centre

(902) 543-1315

New Glasgow:

Pictou County Women’s Resource and Sexual Assault Centre

(902) 449-9820

Sheet Harbour:

LEA Place Women’s Centre

(902) 885-2668


Every Woman’s Centre

(902) 567-1212


Central Nova Women’s Resource Centre

(902) 895-4295


Acadia University Women’s Centre

(902) 585-2140


TRI County Women’s Centre

(902) 742-0085 or toll-free at 1-877-742-0085

Nova Scotia Advisory Council on the Status of Women

Central Nova Women's Resource Centre Truro

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